enjoy giving gifts
(and receiving them) Majegg removes the guess work and stress of buying gifts, making shopping easy and fun! View your friends and families wish lists, suggest ideas or make a contribution towards a gift.

Download our app
Our app is designed to make it simple for you to add and suggest gifts and view the gifts your friends and family really desire. You can download our app from the App Store and Google Play Store.

Shopping for friends has never been simpler! By browsing their gift wishlist you are able to choose a gift you know they will really want, ultimately avoiding any dissapointment. It is also the perfect way to contribute towards a gift with a group of friends!
SHARE Share your list with family and friends so you know exactly what to buy for each other.

Create bespoke groups for different occasions or a private group for a surprise gift for a friend or family member.

CONTRIBUTEGroup together with friends to share the cost of a speacial gift
Majegg allows you to create gift lists for any occasion by adding items from any online store.
CREATE LISTS Create lists for different occasion, birthdays, weddings, house warming and holidays.

Save your favourite items from online stores in one place.

Search and add items from any online store.